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"Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."

Mark 10:14
Christ tells us in the Gospel of Mark that children are valuable members of the body of Christ; We take that to heart by providing all children with a safe and caring environment where they can experience God and begin to have their hearts shaped toward their loving Creator.

-Sunday School 9am

-Children's Church 10:30am

Nursery and Preschool-High School classes available during our 9am service.
Children Check-in at the welcome desk, when you first walk into the building.
Nursery and Preschool-High School classes available during our 9am service.

-Kids Club

September-April. Wednesday from 6-7:30pm

-Vacation Bible School

Yearly in June

Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, “Life is not pleasant anymore.”

Ecclesiastes 12:1

-Youth Group

Monday 6pm-8pm

We have a great youth program for 7th-12th grade students that is designed to meet students where they are and encourage them to walk through life with God and each other. We have Bible-based discussion groups that are age-appropriate and useful in their everyday life. We have games, time for prayer, and we also provide Dinner!

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

Enjoy fellowship and Godly teaching with other women
at Faith Bible Church 

We have a variety of events and bible studies throughout the year. Check out our church-wide calendar to see what's currently happening.

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Reject Passivity
Accept Responsibility
Lead Courageously
Invest Eternally

We have a variety of events and bible studies throughout the year. Check out our church-wide calendar to see what's currently happening.

Prayer Ministry

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

We Believe in the Power of Prayer

Join us in prayer at Faith
Tuesdays at 4 pm.

Our Prayer Ministry consists of a group of Prayer Warriors who lift up the needs of our church, community, nation, and world. We would consider it an honor if you would allow us to pray for you.

Medical Ministry

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19
One way Faith Bible Church Supports our community is by our "open door" medical ministry. We have a collection of donated, durable, medical supplies available for those who are in need.
If you would like to be a part of this ministry- whether you need supplies, or you have supplies to donate- please contact us.

Global and Local Missions

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19
Through International Missions, Faith Bible affirms that Jesus called us to make disciples of all nations. While any individual church family can’t reach into every people group, we have taken up responsibility for helping to support over 10 missionaries around the world.
Local Missions is Faith Bible's opportunity to bring the presence and hope of Jesus to the people in our own community. We guide our church family to do this as individuals, but we have also formed partnerships with several organizations to reach more specific areas. 


Leo and Lulu Calva serve as church planters in southern Ecuador in a region called Loja where there is less than one percent of believers.  This area is dominated by Catholicism.  They have planted a central church called Mustard Seed Church where Leo serves as lead pastor.  It is a multiethnic church with 10 different nationalities. From this church, they have established more than 15 other churches in the rural areas surrounding them. The work in the provinces is difficult; however, gradually the presence of Mustard Seed work continues to impact those areas that have been closed to the gospel.  Faith has sent four short-term teams to help the Calvas over the last 20 years.

Jews for Jesus

We support Dan and Dinah Sered.  He has worked for Jews for Jesus since 2006 and is currently serving as chief operating officer.  He specifically supervises the day-to-day efforts of the branches in Europe, South Africa, Israel, and Australia.  Dinah facilitates Hebrew speaking Bible studies, leads worship at her local congregation, and coordinates many local events.  Jews for Jesus exists to support Jews in exploring Jewish life with faith in Jesus.  Many Jewish people have never heard that following Jesus is a viable and thriving expression of Jewish life. They want Jews to have the opportunity to experience the spiritual richness found in being Jewish and following Jesus.  They are made up primarily of Jewish people, as well as other followers of Jesus who are committed allies of the Jewish people.

Cote d'Ivoire

Rod and Angelika work with a church organization that has about 500 local churches. Since there is a shortage of trained pastors, Rod has been helping with the training and education of pastors at the Bethel Bible Institute (IBB) in Korhogo. Angelika has taught the women of future pastors in hygiene and health as well as spiritual growth and French.

Cote d'Ivoire

Keo Kognon was born into an unbelieving family in the north of Côte d’Ivoire and became a Christian when he was 15.  He has been the director of the Bethel Bible School (IBB) in Korhogo since 2001. His main responsibilities lie in the guidance of the school, the recruitment of new students, and the encouragement of churches already supporting students in training. IBB is the only Bible school in the north of the country. In that region, people are mostly Muslims or animists. Christians represent approximately five percent of the population.


Japan is one of the most gospel-resistant nations in the world, but there is amazing change happening. Andy and Junko Meeko have more than 60 years of combined Japanese ministry. Junko is born and bred in Japan and was serving long before meeting Andy, the youngest son of missionaries to Japan. They work to train Japanese people as community caregivers to reach the depressed, anxious, and suicidal while sharing the life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ.  The Meekos have also embraced technology as a means to evangelize. Their online ministries include: Treasure Hunt, My Miracle, Risk Ride, Gospel Venture, Xaris, Japan, and MetaVenture.


Peter and Debbie Dodd work in rural Taiwan training leaders for the Chinese church and working with Mandarin-speaking Chinese, of whom only about 3 percent are Christian.  Debbie works with future pastors and church leaders at Central Taiwan CB Seminary teaching Bible, Hebrew, Greek, and missions. Peter serves as a field leader. They both invest in national church leaders, walking alongside, praying for, and encouraging them. In their local area, they have opened the Grace Place and Joy House which serve as headquarters for ministry to both families and children.


Joel and Renata Burnell serve in Poland through seminary teaching, mentoring leaders, and Christian counseling. They work primarily with students at the Evangelical School of Theology, fellow members at First Baptist Church of Wroclaw, and Christian leaders in Wroclaw and Lower Silesia. Joel is the chair of the theology department at EWST and also teaches classes there.  Renata serves as a counselor, helping students, fellow church members, and the community.


Rick and Jo’ell Bruggeman work with ABWE as coordinators for Western Region Hispanic Ministries.  They work with English-speaking churches that want to start a Hispanic ministry and raise up Hispanic leaders to plant in these churches.


John and Carol Ragsdale work with TransWorld Radio.  TWR was founded in 1954, as a global network of partnerships using media to take God's Word to all nations, tongues and tribes. John has been serving with TWR since 1996.  They are currently stationed in Southern Europe where John serves as a ministry leader for North Africa.  TWR uses various media platforms to bring the gospel audibly to unreached groups in that area; which is dominated by Islamic influences.  His responsibilities include overseeing the program development department and strategic program development for all TWR broadcasts in Africa.

Missionary Care

We recognize the importance of providing support for overseas workers who are living outside their culture and experiencing the many stresses and struggles of missionary life.  Andrew & Cathy Shafe provided this vital resource.

Andrew & Cathy Shafe were missionaries in Western Africa for many years working to translate the Bible with Wycliffe Bible Translators.  They relocated to Oregon and continue to develop scripture apps and formulate distribution strategies to spread God’s word to the Bible-less.  Their unique experiences living and raising a family overseas while doing missions also allow them to help other Wycliffe missionaries adjust to international work.


We partner with multiple missionary families who witness among unreached people groups throughout Asia.  These areas are steeped in Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and other false religions so many countries have outlawed Christian evangelism.  These workers rely on the personal relationships they build in their communities through business ventures, schooling, and social gatherings to spread the gospel.


Faith Bible Church is ecstatic to be a monthly supporter if Shiloh the Gathering Ministry here in Lincoln City, Oregon.

Shiloh's Purpose Statement is:

Shiloh is a Christian outreach. Our primary mission is to preach the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and to share the plan of salvation and repentance. Our purpose is to do as Christ taught us, to love others more than ourselves. Our hope in this ministry is to fulfill in obedience and love Matthew 25:35,36:

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.” (ESV)